Friday, February 23, 2007

Yay! New layout! And today was relatively good! I've been really tired but other than that, things are going smoothly. And I jad 3 tests today, but I
think I aced them all. I sure hope so!

Hawaii. I would kill to be here right now. So tonight as I fall asleep now on my computer, I will be thinking of Hawaii. And all its beatuies!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Part of the fun of having a blog is the ability to rant. You can complain even if your just caught in the heat of the moment. It's a big stress reliever. And complaining is so easy to do... why not?
Currently, I'm pissed at many things. For starters- Mrs. B-C. Uhg! She bugs me. She picks favorites, who are all popular and mostly mean. She lies, promises things (like the 6th grade smoothie machine.) It's been 2 and a half years. Don't think were getting that smoothie machine. And she never gets back to you. We leave her so many notes, requests, forms, to meet with her for 5 minutes within the next few months. It's been a year. We finally picked a morning- she was gone. And we got in trouble.
What about Life of Pi? That book bothers me, I want to rip it to shreds. I may buy my own copy just to burn it. It's dull, boring, and confusing. It rants. At least it's slightly better than our last book- Old Man and the Sea, now should be considered a form of torture and should only be used on terrorists.
Ah, then we have our lovely president. Lovely for smacking that is. I bet you a monkey could run our country better than he could. Get the picture Bush- everyone has finally come to their senses and realized what a mush-head you are. And yes mush-head is a word, look it up, I may have spelled it a little off though, but the context is definitely correct!
I am so mad at Jordan and Miley Cyrus lately. Why? I'm jealous. Yeah, it comes around at times. They have my dream job, the clothes I wanted soooo bad but couldn't afford, and know everyone is wearing them, mocking me in sweet silence.
People should also stop teasing me and Brian. We are NOT going out! No! No more love songs, but your perfect together speeches, or anything else of the sort. And stop asking about it. They answer is no okay?!
O, I could probably go on for ages, but I am once again signing off. Have a good life. =)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

So I'm finally making time to actually write in this thing. I'm making some changes, and with my new laptop, I can actually write and visit more than once a year!
My day 2-day was super boring. We discussed the deeper meaning of the Life of Pi for the billionth time. And whether Mr. Davala likes it or not, we won't stop complaining of Mrs. Lowrie. Go ahead if anyone actually reads this, and dish on Mrs. Lowrie. I actually find your thoughts on her oddly entertaining. Now I have to go, but I'll be back tomorrow. Hopefully with something more interesting. I have lost all full train of thought, I'm tired! As they say in French, "fais dodo"!(Which is baby talk for go to bed, like go night-night.)