The Shocking truth-
- Hi-low and yellow are the new hello.
- Coral is the new black.
- Red kicks but too.
- Brown hair, brown eyes, are the perfect match.
- Down with anorexia. Get help.
- No one cares how much your Ugg Boots and Abercrombie sweater costs.
- Short peeps rule.
- Brains and beauty here, don't be jelous. Smart people rock!
- I love to here your thoughts. Critique you may, but I don't care to hear if I'm stupid. I don't care if you think so. I have fun. I wish you the best.
- Stop global warming, walk to your friends, recycle, and stay enviroment friendly.
- Sweaters are in, deep v necks are out.
- Leggings, socks, stockings, they are cool. So is bold statements and getting A's in school.
- Very high heels ruin feet, make you fall, way out.
- Need advice, just ask. I know things.
- Lots of black eyliner just makes you look like a dalmation.
More lata. I g2g. Hope I don't sound 2 menacing 2day. Im tired. 2 much hmwk!